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A photo taken at Kyoto in 2019



Misaki Ouchida is a science illustrator who derives great satisfaction from using her artistic abilities to help others understand science through art. She was too curious about everything and ended up going to a graduate school twice. In 2012, Misaki earned a PhD in particle physics from Hiroshima University in Japan.


Misaki founds her calling when she noticed that her lecture notebooks were filled with her illustrations. She completed a certification in Natural Science Illustration and a Masters of Art in Anthropology concurrently at the University of Washington in 2015. Right after the graduation, she worked for the Cornell Lab of Ornithology as a Bartels Science Illustration Intern and for the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History as an intern, then a contractor.

In late 2016, Misaki moved back to Japan to work as a science communicator and illustrator at the Center for iPS Cell Research and Application (CiRA) at Kyoto University. She also started teaching science illustration at Seian University as an adjunct instructor since 2018.

In mid-2022, she got a position as a specially appointed assistant professor to teach science communication at Hokkaido University. In 2023, she started writing serials of "Science Illustration" in Igaku Shoin. Although she is physically located at the northernmost main city in Japan, she will keep producing various contents of science illustration worldwidely.

A mind map used for the serial publication of "Science Illustration" in 2023

Curriculum Vitae

2022 - present   Specially Appointed Assistant Professor

Communication in Science in Technology Education and Research Program (CoSTEP), Hokkaido University

2018 - 2022       Adjunct Instructor

Seian University of Art and Design

2016 - 2022      Science Communicator, In-house Science Illustrator

Center for iPS Cell Research and Application (CiRA), Kyoto University

             2016  Science Illustration Intern, Contractor

Entomology, Ornithology, and Ichthyology

Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History


     2015 - 2016  Bartel Science Illustration Intern

Cornell Lab of Ornithology

2015  Certificate in Natural Science Illustration

University of Washington

2015  Master of Arts (Anthropology), University of Washington

2012  Ph.D. in Science (Physics), Hiroshima University

2007  Master of Science (Physics), Hiroshima University

2005  CERN Summer School, CERN

2005  Bachelor of Science (Physics), Hiroshima University

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