Smithsonian Elephant
While doing an assistant for Jane, I had a chance to visit the Smithsonian Institution Natural Museum of Natural History at Washington...

My Exhibition of Bartels Intern Work
My intern for the Cornell lab or Ornithology was officially done and my work is now exhibited at the Visitor Center in the lab. I have...

Youth Workshop
During the intern, I have led two workshops at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology to teach youth and chaperon how to draw bird illustration....

Dog Gait Study
Added Poppy Walking and Poppy Galloping at the Natural Science Illustration. Poppy is English Shepherd Puppy who shared the house when I...

Added Poisonous Fungi at Natural Science Illustration Poster. I went to Fungi show held by Puget Sound Mycological Society and got...

Added water color radish at Natural Science Illustration. Gouache was also used for the highlight. I always do some experiment for water...

Pine Cones
Walked around the neighborhood just for an hour and collected five different kinds of pine cones. I did not know that so many pine cone...

Added Western Sword Fern to Natural Science Illustration. This fern was taken from the backyard. I am learning botanical illustration...

Green Basilisk
Added Basilisk Lizard at Natural Science Illustration. Her name is Gemma at Monroe Reptile Zoo. The staff at there were very friendly and...

Bald Eagle Couple
Added one painting to Natural Science Illustration. This bald eagle couple was found at Skagit Flats at Washington State. It was a cloudy...